Andrea gaze

conference and Retreat Workshop specialist

Who is Andrea gaze?

At 17 Andrea Gaze headed to London from Australia - alone - ​to train as a classical ballerina and was then one of the ​youngest ever to be accepted into the London Festival Ballet ​Company.

Fast forward over 37 years when as a single mum she was ​introduced to BODYART Training

It was then that her life changed and she knew that this was ​a modality that she wanted to share with the world. Leading ​on to her own creation ‘Mobility Matters’.

The perfect way to do that is through retreats, ​conferences and workshops.






Retreats and Conferences are the perfect way to introduce new modalities to a captive audience.

People who are keen to learn and absorb what is being presented to them.

Andrea is excited to bring to you some - half-day, full-day and personalized conference and retreat programs.




Greater than Symbol

Accessible to the non yogi

what Makes

Andrea unique

Greater than Symbol

inclusive meets intuitive - for anyone & anybody - Movement is life

Greater than Symbol

this is not a workout

- movement not exercise


About andrea


  • Classical Ballet – London Dance Centre 1978 (John O’Brien)
  • Level 3 Personal Trainer from April 2018 (10 years + )
  • Pilates Matwork Instructor 2011 (Studio Pilates International)
  • Wellness Coaching 2011
  • Foundation CoreFitnessRoller MOTR Instructor 2012 (first 14 in Australia)
  • Health & Fitness Instructor Insurance
  • Australian Fitness Network Member (Presenter in 2016, 2017 & 2018)

    • L1 Instructor Oct 2015
    • L2 Dynamic 2016
    • L2 Structure 2017
    • L2 Stretch 2019
    • L2 Best Age 2022
  • BODYART Educator L1 – Sydney & Melbourne Nov 2017
  • BODYART Presenter 2016/17/18 and Ambassador Master Trainer ongoing


profound experiences

Career Highlights Include

Professional Classical Ballet Dancer

  • London Festival Ballet Company (now English National Ballet) 1978-1983
  • London Seasons - Coliseum, Dominion Theatre & Royal Festival Hall
  • Tours around UK & Nervi, Italy, ‘Nijinsky’ Film as Ballet Russe (Pinewood Studios)
  • BBC TV Ballet - Westend Award - La Sylphide (Peter Schaufuss).
  • Ballet Productions include Rudolph Nureyev’s Romeo & Juliet & Sleeping Beauty & all the major classic ballets eg. Nutcracker, Giselle, and Swan Lake.
  • Condon School of Ballet - Vic Australia 1983 - Ballet Examiner
  • Oklahoma – Singer/leading Dancer – Australian National Tour 1983/84 -

Cameron Mackintosh Production

Choreographer & Stage Manager

  • West Australian Opera Company – 1984/85

Marriage of Figaro, Lucia Di Lammermoor, Merry Widow, Nabucco

  • Victoria State Opera – (Musicals & Opera) 1985 – 1991
    • Company Stage Manager, Assistant Directing, Casting Actors, Dancers & Children, Young Artist Program Movement Coach
    • Productions included La Boheme, My Fair Lady, Arena IMG Carmen, Pirates of Penzance, HMS Pinafore, Pearl Fishers, The Magic Flute, La Traviata, Aida

Cameron Mackintosh – 1991 – 1993

Stage Manager – Phantom of the Opera - original Australian production 1991/1992

Stage Manager – Five Guys Named Moe – London/Melb 1993

Performers Management – Music Theatre & Opera Rep - 1994

Hirano International – Administration/Prod Mgmt 1996-1997

Brian Stacey Memorial Trust – 1997 – Events

Director & Administrator of Brian Stacey Memorial Trust - 1998 – May 2019


The Stacey award

Andrea takes great pride in The Stacey Award.

In October 1996, Australia lost one of its most cherished Musical Directors, Brian Stacey. Known for his versatile musical career spanning various genres, he avoided being confined to a single style. Believing that experiences in one genre enriched performances in others, the Brian Stacey Award was established by the Brian Stacey Memorial Trust. This award aimed to inspire up-and-coming conductors to broaden their horizons, especially by transcending artistic boundaries.

Andrea, as one of the founders, played a major role in all areas to

select & present 22 awards to Conductors and Musical Directors.

Additionally, she was a driving force & creator of a documentary

titled 'The Stacey Story', showcasing the 20-year history of the Stacey

Trust and Brian Stacey's significant role in Australian musical history

launched on the 20th anniversary year of his passing.

Serving as the Administrator & Director of the Brian Stacey Memorial

Trust for 22 years was an honor for Andrea. By nurturing Stacey's

legacy, the trust successfully passed the baton to 22 exceptionally

talented emerging Australian conductors, who are now making

music worldwide.

Stacey Story Documentary HERE



The Power of Movement and BODYART

Andrea has always been involved in movement through dance, but since 2008, she has explored other forms such as personal training, pilates, and anatomy in motion. She has been sought out to bring movement & her passion to teach & guide people in a huge variety of places & unusual environments, from Health Clubs thru to a year of weekly Pilates & mindfulness classes with mentally ill male inmates at Port Phillip Prison. In 2015 she found BODYART.

A unique approach that draws inspiration from the five elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine – Earth, Wood, Fire, Metal, and Water – with Yin and Yang balance. This practice helps to re-balance the nervous system through mindful and intuitive movements while increasing strength, awareness, and energy circulation. BODYART provides a complete mind, body, and spirit experience.

As Robert Steinbacher, creator of BODYART, states, "Movement has a profound impact on our health, both mind, and body. Physically, movement affects everything from our circulation and digestion to our hormonal and immune systems. Moreover, movement is essential for emotional freedom, as it allows us to express

ourselves and release blocked emotions.”

BODYART is unlike anything in the fitness industry, as it is based on

physical therapy and incorporates:

  • Injury prevention
  • Sustainability for the joints
  • Holistic longevity
  • Pain reduction.

Website -



mobility matters

The Importance of Mobility in Achieving Quality Health and Longevity - modern lifestyle has de-constructed our natural movement intuition - we need to re-introduce the ease of true mobility.

Good mobility is the key to sustainable, healthy movement that lasts. Developing a strong synergy between body, brain, and breath is essential for optimal performance. Accessing ALL available joints is key - but how many people actually know HOW? The more the load is shared throughout the body, the less stress on joints - think effort-less as opposed to effort-ful.

To achieve this, focus is on awareness, alignment, finding your center, balance, connection, stability, strength and flow without force. Listen to your body, challenge and nurture it, and always prioritize quality over quantity. Relax and release tension whenever possible.

To achieve safe and independent longevity, mobility education is essential. This will help you develop a new level of awareness and attention to detail, allowing you to move with confidence. Be curious, explore new techniques, dive deeper into yourself, and become your own Master Trainer.

Andrea is the creator of Mobility Matters specifically as there is a gap in

the fitness industry that is not giving vital education to people with

diminishing mobility & lives. Some people think they are unhelpable

& MM is simple & easy - it gives tools to re-gain, improve & maintain

mobility for ‘longevity’.

Mobility Matters is not a workout - it’s patient life changing education.

Remember, we are all made to move, and this can be sustained

throughout a long and healthy life.

mobility matters


“Another amazing year of BODYART comes to a close. I can see the ongoing benefits of regular attendance for my physical health; alignment, posture, strength and injury prevention. However this year I have really needed the mental health benefits. The time out to move my body in such a mindful and beautifully fluid way has been so useful for keeping me on track. I am so grateful that I have found BODYART and Andrea to teach it. Thanks again Andrea, for all the wisdom, love and continuity that you provide to us.”

Liz 2023


“In the past I had visions of the person I wanted to be. I always wanted to be one of those people who exercised regularly and worked outside with nature and now that is what I nearly am. My first step towards this was to find a way to nurture myself and get moving. Andrea’s amazing ability to keep each class interesting and challenging and meet my individual needs as I have progressed has kept me on this path. My feet feel amazing, my lower back is no longer stiff and I am now feeling strength develop in my core, shoulders and back that I have never experienced before. I have met a wonderful group of people from my local area and after every session I feel rejuvenated and free, both in my body and mind. Andrea is really one of those unique individuals who have the mix just right to install confidence, to encourage and give kindness and support to keep you moving forward.”

Sharon 2023



90 minutes

90 minutes

Introduction session & five-element experience

Plus travel

$200 per session


HALF / full Day

Deep dive, hands-on immersive sessions.

Plus travel

Options include - morning mindful movement sessions, 60-minute BODYART experiences, sunset, and evening release and relax.

Talk to us about what you need for your retreat and conference.

Prices on negotiation


multi Day

Over the course of our time together we will design a series of experiences and movement education that complements your retreat or conference theme.

Retreat and Conference Packages by Design


mobility matters

90 minutes

90 minutes

Plus travel

$200 per session

mobility matters

HALF / full Day

Mobility Matters is an official five-hour course and can be offered in simple segments or extensive detail.

Plus travel

Options include - mindful movement sessions, 60-minute MOBILITY classes,

educational workshops or our full Mobility Matters Course, and simple flow

mobility sessions.

Talk to us about what you need for your retreat and conference.

Prices on negotiation

mobility matters

multi Day

Over your retreat or conference, we can create a Mobility Matters experience to suit your theme and guests.

Retreat and Conference Packages by Design


Contact Us



Melbourne Based